Ed Johnston and me

End view of lateral root, Hawaiian kava. Nice pattern.

‘Awa Moi stump and some lateral roots.

‘Awa Moi a great Hawaiian kava plant.

A somatic mutation of Hawaiian ‘Awa in Ed Johnston’s collection.

Boroguru, Hawaii grown. 🙂

Eating lunch after making ‘Awa cuttings in the moss, all ready to grow now.

After a few months in the moss the ‘Awa cutting is rooted and ready to go into a pot to grow some more before going into the ground.

‘Awa Moi.

Close up of the ‘Awa Moi stalk.

Her I am clearing the weeds from my land getting ready to plant more kava. Notice my mascot making sure I do a good job. 🙂

Some of the cleared land ready to plant some kava.

Me giving my ‘Awa presentation at the 2016 International Kavacon.

A bunch of baby kava plants in the trailer going to the farm.

‘Awa Nene

‘Awa Papa Kea, also known as Apu

‘awa can grow very tall 🙂

Sally in the ‘Awa patch

‘Awa nursery full of baby kava plants.

More nice Hawaiian ‘Awa, Ed Johnston’s, personal collection.

Truck load of ‘Awa ready for cleaning and processing.

My lovely wife Sally with a nice ‘Awa plant

A bunch of baby kava plants ready to go into the ground.

Me in the ‘Awa Moi patch.

Big ‘Awa Mahakea, 1 plant 🙂

Dr. Helen Turner, Uncle Jerry and I at the 2016 International Kavacon

Close up of the big ‘Awa Mahakea.

‘Awa Papa Kea

‘Awa Opihikao

I was a guest speaker at the 2016 international kava conference and so was Dr. Vincent Lebot here in the picture.

Dr. Mathias Schmidt and I.

Me with a large ‘Awa Hiwa

‘Awa Mahakea stalks for cuttings.

Taki Mai was also at the 2016 International Kavacon.

Taki Mai makes a great product with pure Fijian kava.

Dr Mathias Schmidt documenting and collecting samples of Hawaiian ‘Awa for his work with the introduction of kava into the Codex alimentarius. I was privileged to provided samples of some of the Hawaiian ‘Awa for this work.

‘Awa Mahakea cuttings in moss to make baby kava plants.

Harvesting a big ‘Awa Mahakea

Large Hawaiian Kava

Big ‘Awa Ophihikao, kava plant.

A newly planted ‘Awa Hanakapi Ai.

Close up of the ‘Awa Hanakapi Ai, showing the nice color in the stalks.

Amanda C. Martin Kava scientist and me.

This is when I was teaching 7th graders about ‘Awa at Ke Kula ʻo Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu, a Hawaiian immersion school.

Another pic of the school, the students are experimenting with hydroponic kava growing.

Here the students are measuring the ‘Awa stalks and taking note of how many stalks there are as well as other information.
- ‘Awa Opihhikao
- ‘Awa Honokane Iki
- ‘Awa Mapulehu
- In the ‘Awa patch
- More Kava Plants
- Kava Plants
- Me with some ‘Awa
- ‘Awa Hiwa
- I love Kava
- More Hawaiian ‘Awa
- ‘Awa Opihikao
- ‘Awa Papa Kea
- ‘Awa Mapulehu
- Large Hawaiian Kava
- Kava Root